Satan was never baptized so they don’t have to shun him.
Pete Zahut
JoinedPosts by Pete Zahut
Why do Jehovah`s Witnesses Shun fellow believers When God and Jesus never shunned even Satan ?
by smiddy3 inscholars generally agree that it was written between the 7th and 4th centuries bce, with the 6th century bce as the most likely period for various reasons.
the book of job .. so according to jw`s about 6,000 years ago satan rebelled against jehovah god ,did jehovah disown him there and then shunning him ?.
apparently not as we can read from the book of job centuries later that satan could still come and go freely before the throne of jehovah in heaven .job 1: 6. and apparently he could still do this for centuries later ,that is coming to and fro before jehovah because according to the jw religion he wasn`t cast out of heaven for another 2,000 years until the 20th century .. now in the case of jesus much of what is said about jehovah and satan also applies to jesus before he came to earth.. but even when he was on earth he didn`t shun satan either in fact he allowed satan to lead him around according to the bible account.luke 4:13 so the devil having concluded all the temptations retired from him until another convenient time .so it wasn`t jesus calling the shots here it was satan .. mark 1: 13 he ,jesus, also shared 40 days in the wilderness with satan letting him tempt him .. so their was no way either jehovah or jesus ever shunned satan the devil according to the bible writings.. and when jesus ascended to heaven after his sacrifice he along with his father jehovah still had association with satan the devil until he was cast out of heaven 2,000 years later ,according to the jw`s..
My sister just sent me this text.
by Brainfloss inmy sister sent me this text a few minutes ago.
what does she know about my relationship with jehovah?
it was followed up by a bunch of links to jw org problem is dialog is not possible her side is the only one to be heard.
Pete Zahut
Hello Sister,
Nice to hear from you again despite the many many Jehovah's Witness cliche's used to convey your assumptions regarding my standing with the creator of the universe. I'm not sure how any of us can know so much about what God does or doesn't want or what he's thinks of individuals but it's clear that you think that I'm a goner and you, as someone who has it made with God, are duty bound to punish me, in his name, if I don't become more like you.
Your text, rather than being a warm message from a sister to a brother, was as if you cut and pasted lines out of the Watchtower and was a reminder of why I chose to leave. I received your message of judgement loud and clear. Even though you are convinced that I'll receiving the same punishment as people like Adolph Hitler and other evil doers who have lived throughout history, I am confident that if God does have an earthly Paradise planned for us as you say or some other Utopia, there's no reason I shouldn't be a part of it and that I'll see you there as well.
I realize that you mean well and I also realize that even though you feel free to make assumptions about my standing with God, express your religious views with me and expect me to click on the links you've provided, I will never be allowed to express my views with you, nor would you look at any information I might provide for you .
I'm sure on some level you believe that you really do love me however I've come to realize, that your love is conditional upon me having the same religious views as you do and you are primarily interested in saving your own hide lest God punish you for having anything to do with your evil Brother . Despite your low opinion of me, I want you to know that my door is always open to you, no matter what your religious views are.
Need help. Please and thank you.
by lastmanstanding ini have a trove of old watchtower literature.
i know of course, and for example, to keep the three first volumes of the watchtower (bound) and a bunch of other items.
(and i handle them delicately.).
Pete Zahut
I understand people sell old literature on eBay. That might be an option rather than to throw them out. Or give them to someone who would be interested in selling them that way, if you're not.
Latest in JW land
by asp59 inheard the lastest in jw land?
god commanded the org to sell buildings in new york cause corona virus was comming.
lots of jws see it as this is the true religion cause of that 🙃😊 ofcourse no one been mentioning why no warning before spanish flu 1918 or terrorism 9/11.
Pete Zahut
God must have led them to purchase a toxic chemical dump that had to be cleaned up before it could be used. He also kept his eyes closed while thousands of JW kids were being molested and later grew up to sue his organization.
Reversed Shunning
by Difido ini dont post really.
probably because i'm full of discord and shame about this religion.
i'm embarrassed, but working thru it.
Pete Zahut
My own Father and my Wife's Father, both died refusing blood. Her Father was a 40 something year old elder with 4 kids at home and mine was in his mid 60's, getting ready to retire in 2 months. He studied with JW's who encouraged him to sign the "no blood" paperwork when going in for a routine surgery. This is not a pretty way to die, let me tell you.
Recently, because of all the end of the system hype that's been going on, my Brother began making noises about not being able to associate with me anymore (even though I'm only "faded") Before he could say it outright, I stopped him. Referring to he and his wife, I said that I was having more and more difficulty wanting to be around anyone who could support an organization that virtually killed our father and made him suffer so badly. An organization that turned around a year of two after his death and made it OK to take blood fractions which most assuredly would have saved him. I asked him if he tells people at the door that he has a lovely daughter and 2 beautiful little granddaughters who ( according to his religion) are going to be killed by God in the near future simply because they aren't JW's. I asked if while standing by the literature cart with his nice clothes and colorful literature, if he mentions to anyone how our father died in a modern hospital because JW's convinced him that God doesn't like blood transfusions.
That shut him up pretty quick and he's rethought the whole "shun your own Brother" idea. JW's aren't used to not having the upper hand when it comes to shunning people. It never occurs to them that maybe someone doesn't approve of or want to associate with THEM.
15 yrs ago Jehovah needed $50 million for new printing presses
by Hotpepper inwhat happened to all those new printing presses?
the wt said they were going to double the amount of mag's every month.
i wonder what ever happened.
Pete Zahut
Wasn't there some problem with the presses shaking the factory buildings?
Seems to me they discovered once they were installed, they had to reinforce the buildings before they could use them,
Either way, I'm sure they'll say that they sold them for a huge profit now that the preaching work has been lovingly simplified.
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Status Update Thread
by Simon inthis topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
Experience given @ Phillipines Memorial Talk on JW.Org
by smiddy3 inand i would like as many as possible to view it and comment on it as possible because i cant believe they are still pulling this shit and the rank & file are still lapping it up .?
in this year of 2020.. i`m sorry i do not have the nouse to make a link or attachment or whatever and hope someone can do so .. i know, i had doubts about looking at it also , its on ,whats new or something phillipines memorial and an experience was given their about a young pioneer girl that had eyesight problems and how she got her doctor and hundreds more to go on line to watch the special talk .
and they even went on to say they had 30,000 non jw`s log on to the special talk.?
Pete Zahut
I don't believe their statistics or their anecdotes anymore especially the ones from developing countries. Naturally the story was about a Doctor who coincidentally got "12" his friends to tune into the broadcast rather than being about the lowly person who empties the bed pans. Much more impressive that way.
If they were able to keep track of those who tuned in, it seems odd that they rounded the number off ( "over 31,000 attended") rather than giving the full number which would have been more impressive and would have been more credible.
Not buying it...I'll bet the Mormons have the same story.
Find the Beatles Songs in the Picture
by Simon insome light entertainment ... there are apparently 39 beatles songs hidden in the picture, but depending on how to interpret some of them you may come up with more.. please post one each, to give everyone a go, and describe where the song is in the picture (so it's not just coming up with a list of beatles songs).
also, check for existing answers - i'll post summaries to show the ones already identified.. .
Pete Zahut
Lovely Rita (meter maid)
Does prophesy negate free will?
by Tim207 innot sure if this is in the right subject but here it goes.
i’ve asked this question to a few elders and bethelites but they don’t seem to understand or like the question.
to start off we have to agree that jehovah is all powerful.
Pete Zahut
Does Prophecy Negate Free Will?
Other than Jesus and Kind David, I don't recall there being any prophesies about individuals where they were in control of the outcome. It seems like the prophesies were more all encompassing of a time period or a nation or mankind in general.
Similar to what you're talking about is the question I always had in regard to the outcome of things foretold.
What would have happened if (500 eg) people would have listened to Noah, would there have been room on the Ark for them? If everyone living within the sound of Noah's voice would have listened, would God still have needed to flood the Earth and kill all the animals for some reason?
What if everyone listened to Jesus back in the day? Since it was prophesied that he had to die in order to "buy back" the life Adam lost for us, would he really still have had to die and would it have been a sacrificial death? If not, since he was perfect, would he still be alive today? If it was a foregone conclusion that Jesus had to die, why are we so sad about it?
What if the JW's today took out television Ads all over the world and millions upon millions of people became JW's. Would there still have to be a Great Tribulation? Would Armageddon still have to take place? Or since prophecy says it will happen, is it a foregone conclusion that mankind is doomed and there's no way out of it?
In this sense, it's seems mankind's freewill is negated.